Here is the original image ::
Here is the image I created by modifying the image, its like an old hazy image with hazy border ::
In this picture first I have created a function setBlack() so that my program becomes short. In that I have made the pixel black whichever pixel is sent to it, and return the black pixel. After that I have used Math.random() function to set the pixel we got in a radius of 10. This will be best to look the image hazy, as if we are looking it through a hazy glass like substance. After doing that I have made the border by calling the function.
function setBlack(pixel) { pixel.setRed(0); pixel.setGreen(0); pixel.setBlue(0); return pixel; } function ensureInImage(coordinate,size){ if(coordinate<0){ return 0; } if(coordinate>=size){ return size-1; } return coordinate; } function getPixelNearby(image,x,y,diameter) { var dx=Math.random()*diameter-diameter/2; var dy=Math.random()*diameter-diameter/2; var nx = ensureInImage(x+dx,image.getWidth()); var ny = ensureInImage(y+dy,image.getHeight()); return image.getPixel(nx,ny); } var image = new SimpleImage("hd_sky_blue_beach-1280x720.jpg"); var output = new SimpleImage(image.getWidth(),image.getHeight()); for(var pixel of image.values()) { var x=pixel.getX(); var y=pixel.getY(); if(x<10||y<10||x>=image.getWidth()-10||y>=image.getHeight()-10) pixel=setBlack(pixel); if(Math.random()>0.5){ var other = getPixelNearby(image,x,y,10); output.setPixel(x,y,other); } else { output.setPixel(x,y,pixel); } } print(output);
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