Theme Toggle Example

Visualizations generated by JJCluster (Jimut-Jisnoo Cluster) algorithm

  JJCluster        Wisp        Location based        Software        Preference finder        Data Visualizations  

[ Updated paper PDF ] [ B.Sc. Dissertation PDF (v01) ] [ old Slide PDF (v01) ]


Please read the updated paper for more detailed insights. JJCluster algorithm is a part of the wisp version - 2 project. Wisp version 2 is now currently having only CLI and can be downloaded from here. Wisp version 0.0.8-b has a GUI and can be downloaded from here. Also, the main page of the project can be found here.

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 ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝     	2.0s - supporting CLI only


Some Visualisations

These are some of the vizualisations generated by the clustering algorithm.

Some Demonstrations

Video 1: Here is the demo of the application for version - 2

Video 2: Here is the demo of the application
for version - 0.0.8-b with a simple GUI.

Updated [05-02-2024]: Paper on the same idea published in Nature, which was done by me 5 years ago. They have used multiple baselines for comparison, but essentially the idea and the visualizations looks similar.